The Utah Division of Oil, Gas and Mining’s (OGM) Oil and Gas Program recently underwent a legislative audit completed by the Office of the Legislative Auditor General. Audit results, as well as the division’s response, are available at OGM.Utah.Gov/Audit.
Division of Water Resources Posts 2016, 2017 Water Use Numbers
The Utah Division of Water Resources (DWRe) published the states’ 2016 and 2017 water use numbers to Utah’s Open Water Data portal, a public tool designed to increase accessibility and transparency of water use in Utah.
Division of Water Resources Launches Open Water Data Portal
The Utah Division of Water Resources recently announced that Utahns can now easily access water use data through a new interactive data portal.
Third Party Review of Utah’s Water Data Gathering & Analysis Released
Salt Lake City (Jan. 31, 2018) — A third party review of Utah’s water data gathering and analysis methods, as part of the 2016 Legislative session’s S.B. 251, was released today. The third party review was conducted by Bowen Collins and Associates and Hansen, Allen and Luce Inc.