Todd D. Adams has been appointed to head the Utah Division of Water Resources. Department of Natural Resources Executive Director Brian Steed selected Adams to replace Eric Millis who retired after nearly 32 years with the division, six of those as the director.
The Colorado River is a Reliable Source of Water for Utah
Falling storage levels at both lakes Powell and Mead have highlighted the potential effects of climate change on the Colorado River, causing some to question its future viability as a reliable water supply source for the state of Utah.
Third Party Review of Utah’s Water Data Gathering & Analysis Released
Salt Lake City (Jan. 31, 2018) — A third party review of Utah’s water data gathering and analysis methods, as part of the 2016 Legislative session’s S.B. 251, was released today. The third party review was conducted by Bowen Collins and Associates and Hansen, Allen and Luce Inc.