Predict its rise, win a prize

SALT LAKE CITY (April 22, 2024) – Predict its rise and win a prize! Thanks to another stellar snowpack year, concerted conservation and strategic management efforts (including releasing water from Utah Lake and other reservoirs) Great Salt Lake is on the rise. How high do you think the south arm of the lake will rise before it starts to drop …

Group photo of research universities and state agencies teams

Research universities and state agencies team up for Great Salt Lake

SALT LAKE CITY (Feb. 7, 2023)  – Declining water levels of Great Salt Lake threaten economic activity, local public health, and ecosystems. In response to this emergent statewide challenge, Utah’s research universities formed the Great Salt Lake Strike Team, a collaboration of experts in public policy, hydrology, water management, climatology, and dust. Today they released a Great Salt Lake Policy …